0447 577 525

Sensual Massage Sydney


Sensual Massage for Men
(also referred to as Erotic Massage & Happy Ending Massage)

Sensual Massage is a full body experience, meaning the whole body is included and not excluded. Sensual Massage is about receiving loving touch in a safe space and ends in orgasm, leaving you feeling deeply relaxed.

There is always an element of Tantra involved, meaning that this massage is done with awareness, sensitive touch and respect.

This massage is also referred to as a Happy Ending experience, and I do hope that you are happy at the end of this session with me, that is my full intention for you, that you leave feeling happy and blissed out and entirely relaxed.

What to expect in a Sensual Massage with Tantric Practitioner

Upon arrival, we have a chat about any or all expectations you have around your session with me.

Lying down on my very comfortable massage table you will receive a *Lomi Lomi Massage. This massage is gentle but very powerful and you may find yourself falling asleep, which is very welcomed. There is nothing for you to do except receive loving touch from my very warm hands.

Turning over, I begin with the Lingam massage, (Penis Massage). Using a variety of different strokes and techniques I bring the sexual energy to a peak, slowly at first, then moving on to more power strokes leading towards a powerful and wonderful full body orgasm.

People have informed me that they have never experienced that kind of touch before. They also say that they experience a wonderful sense of deep relaxation and blissfulness.

We end the session with relaxation and integration. Sharing is also welcomed.

What are the benefits in having a Sensual Massage

Relaxation is the main benefit of having a sensual massage experience. Living in a stressed environment this massage can give you full body relaxation.

We do not get enough touch in our society and the body needs touch to survive. Getting this massage gives you beautiful, gentle touch allowing the body system to come into a state of homeostasis and equilibrium.

This massage comes with many different health benefits, less stress, feeling of calm in the body system. Touch is a powerful force leading to less infections and dis-ease in the body.

There is a sense of freedom in having the whole body massaged and worshipped. You are saying YES to your body and this is both profound, extremely beneficial and revolutionary.

*Lomi Lomi Massage comes from the traditional Hawaiian method used for healing the body, mind, and spirit. This massage uses gentle touch yet works deeply into the muscles for complete relaxation of the entire body.